Wear comfortable clothing, generally sweat pants or shorts for both women and men if your condition involves your lower extremity. A sports bra or tank top is preferred for examination of your upper body. Depending on the type of therapy you need, you may not have to change out of your clothing. In some cases, however, we will ask you to put on a cotton hospital gown to protect your clothing from getting wet, for example, or to avoid any metal clasps or closures that might interfere with the treatment.
Your first visit will last approximately one hour. Follow-up visits will last from 30 to 60 minutes.
Almost all therapy treatments require a physician’s referral. Bring the prescription from your physician, your insurance card and a photo ID. We will file for reimbursement for your visit with your insurance provider.
Your therapist will send the initial evaluation report to your doctor within 48 hours of your first appointment. Follow-up progress reports will be sent every 30 days or before any appointments with your physician.