For those people who experience violence, including sexual assault, strangulation, elder abuse, domestic and intimate partner violence and suspected human trafficking, the need for confidential and timely treatment, along with support and help in creating a safety plan can make a life-saving difference.
At Sentara RMH Medical Center, our forensic nurse examiner program provides one-on-one critical care to survivors of violence in a safe, non-judgmental setting for patients of all ages and gender identities. Our goal is to prevent you from experiencing any further trauma during the process of seeking medical care following the assault/violence.
After sexual or domestic violence
To preserve any possible forensic evidence, we want you to know that, if possible, it’s important that you do not change your clothes, shower, eat, or drink before you see a forensic nurse examiner. Bring an extra pair of clothes and come directly to the emergency department if possible.
How forensic nurses help
Forensic nurses provide private and confidential treatment while protecting survivors from further harm. Available services include:
- Treating, assessing and documenting injuries
- Providing crisis intervention
- Collecting, documenting and preserving evidence, if desired by the patient, in a timely and compassionate manner by professional forensic nurses
- Evaluating and offering prophylactic (preventive) treatment for sexually transmitted diseases
- Evaluating pregnancy risk and providing prevention support
- Providing appropriate referrals for follow-up medical care, counseling and safe discharge planning for survivors
What happens when you arrive at the emergency department
We recognize that this is a distressing time, and our team is here to provide you with the care and support you need. Emergency providers will check your vital signs and address immediate medical concerns.
If you choose to proceed, the forensic nurse examiner then conducts a medical forensic examination.
A medical forensic examination is entirely voluntary, and our top priority is to ensure your safety, well-being, and comfort while preventing further trauma. You may consent to the examination and still choose to decline any part of it — or the entire process — at any time.
Medical forensic examinations may include:
- Forensic medical screening examinations
- HIV prophylaxis (preventive prescription medication), Hepatitis immunizations and emergency contraception
- Testing and treatment for most common sexually transmitted diseases
- Physical evidence recovery kit
- Colposcopy, forensic digital photography with alternate light source exam
More information:
Returning control to patients
Consent is crucial to every step forensic nurses take with their patients. Every procedure, from evidence collection to contacting advocacy resources, is conducted with patient consent.
Injury documentation for legal support
Forensic nurses are trained to provide compassionate injury documentation for people seeking legal action. A medical forensic examination isn’t required, but it can help a case if a survivor wants to go to court.
Those who choose to have evidence collected have options about how it is released or stored. If they are not ready to submit it, the evidence can be kept on file for future use if they are prepared to report their experience later.
Empathetic and compassionate help that includes follow-up care
Forensic nursing care is streamlined as much as possible so survivors do not have to wait too long for help. This is just one way forensic nurses work to create a comforting environment.
While reporting violence to law enforcement is not a requirement, if they choose to, survivors can provide a statement at the hospital if they want to do so in a safe space.
Forensic nurses also provide discharge plans that include information on financial assistance and follow-up steps for retesting, care for new or worsening injuries, and connections to advocates for legal and safety support.
How to receive care from a forensic nurse:
The Sentara RMH Medical Center forensic nurse program is accessed through our emergency department.
We also collaborate with the following local agencies:
- Adult Protective Services — 540-574-5127, 24-hour hotline – 1-888-832-3858
- AVA Care — free STI and pregnancy testing, information regarding potential unwanted pregnancy and more
- Bright View — addiction treatment; walk-in; call 833-510-HELP
- Child Protective Services: 540-574-5100, 24-hour hotline – 1-804-786-8536
- Church World Service — Assisting refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers and unaccompanied children
- First Step — Domestic Violence shelter and additional resources; call 540-434-0295 or 866-223-9169
- Harrisonburg Police Department – non-emergency: 540-434-4436; for emergency, call 911
- HCHC Care Management – free rapid HIV testing, contraception and more
- Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office — For emergency – 911, non-emergency – 540-564-3800
- Strength in Peers — Free rapid HIV and Hepatitis C testing, free contraception, needle exchange program, Narcan, education, peer recovery support and more
- The Collins Center — sexual assault crisis intervention, advocacy, counseling; 24-hour hotline 540-432-6430; 540-434-2272