Daniel A. Cohen, M.D., M.M.Sc.
Sentara Neurology Specialists
Dr. Cohen is the Clinical Chief of Neurology for Sentara Medical Group and Associate Professor and Chair of Neurology for Eastern Virginia Medical School. He has subspecialty board certifications in both Behavioral (Cognitive) Neurology and Sleep Medicine. Dr. Cohen earned his medical degree from the University of Florida. He completed his Internal Medicine internship, Neurology residency, and fellowships in Cognitive Neurology and Sleep Medicine through Harvard Medical School at Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He also completed a research fellowship in Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology at Brigham & Women's Hospital.
Dr. Cohen's outpatientclinical practice has largely focused on the treatment of cognitive and sleep disorders; his inpatient emphasis has shifted to hyperacute treatment of ischemic stroke. Dr. Cohen's research interests have included translational work related to the interface between sleep and cognition as well clinical trials for potentially disease-modifying therapies in Alzheimer's disease. He is passionate about training the next generation of clinicians in caring for those with neurological disorders.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology - Neurology
- American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology - SleepMedicine
- United Counsel of Neurologic Subspecialties - Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry
University of Florida College of Medicine, 1999
Beth Deaconess Israel Hospital
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Brigham & Women's Hospital
- Alzheimer's disease
- Impact of sleep restriction and circadian misalignment on neurobehavioral performance
- Motor memory consolidation
Peer-Reviewed Publications in print or other media
Chang A, Duffy JF, Buxton OM, Lane JM, Aeschbach D, Anderson C, Bjonnes A, Cain SW, Cohen DA, Frayling TM, Gooley JJ, Jones SE, Klerman EB, Lockley SW, Munch M, Rajaratnam SMW, Rueger M, Rutter M, Santhi N, ScheuermaierK, Van Reen E, Weedon MN, Czeisler CA, Scheer FA, Saxena R. Chronotype Genetic Variant in PER2 is Associated with Intrinsic Circadian Period in Humans. Nature Scientific Reports 2019. 9:5350.
McHill A, Hull J, CohenDA, Wang W, Czeisler CA, Klerman. Chronic Sleep Restriction Greatly Magnifies Performance Decrements Immediately After Awakening. SLEEP. 2019 PMID: 30722039.
McCleery J, Cohen DA, Sharpley AL. Pharmacotherapies for sleep disturbances in Dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews November 2016.
Bermudez EB, Klerman EB, Cohen DA, Wyatt JK, Phillips AJK.. Prediction of Vigilant Attention and Cognitive Performance Using Self-Reported Alertness, Circadian Phase, Hours since Awakening, and Accumulated Sleep Loss. PLOS One 2016. 11(3):e0151770.
McCleery J, Cohen DA, Sharpley AL. Pharmacotherapies for sleep disturbances in Alzheimer's Disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014.
Balasubramanian R, Cohen DA, Klerman EB, Pignatelli D, Hall JE, Dwyer AA, Czeisler CA, Pitteloud N, Crowley WF. Absence of central circadian pacemaker abnormalities in humans with loss of functional mutation in prokineticin 2. Journal Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2014 Mar;99(3). PMID: 24423319.
Stern AP, Cohen DA. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant depression. Neuropsychiatry. 2013; 3(1): 1-9.
St. Hilaire M, Sullivan JP, Anderson C, Cohen DA, Barger LK, Lockley SW, Klerman EB. Classifying performance impairment in response to sleep loss using pattern recognition algorithms on a single testing session. Accident Analysis & Prevention2013 Jan;50:992-1002. PMID: 22959616.
Haack M, Serrador J, Cohen DA, Simpson N, Meier-Ewert H, Mullington JM. Increasing sleep duration to lower beat-to-beat blood pressure: a pilot study. J Sleep Res. 2012. PMID: 23171375.
Cohen DA, Robertson, EM. Preventing interference between different memory tasks. Nature Neuroscience. 2011 Jun 26;14(8):953-5. PMID: 21706019.
Cohen DA, Tormos JM, Oberman L, EldaiefM, Freitas C, Pascual-Leone A. Enhancing plasticity through repeated rTMS sessions: the benefits of a night of sleep. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2010 Dec;121(12):2159-64. PMID: 20541968.
Cohen DA, 1Kurowski K, Steven MS, Blumstein SE, Pascual-Leone. Paradoxical facilitation: the resolution of foreign accent syndrome after cerebellar stroke. Neurology. 2009 Aug 18;73(7):566-7. PMID: 19687458 (1Co-first authorship).
Cohen DA, Wang W, Klerman EB, Rajaratnam SMW. Ramelteon prior to a short evening nap impairs neurobehavioral performance for up to 12 hours after awakening. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2010; 6(6):565-571. PMID: 21206545.
Cohen DA, Wang W, Wyatt JK, Kronauer RE, Dijk D-J, Cziesler CA, Klerman EB. Uncovering residual effects of chronic sleep loss on human performance. Science: Translational Medicine. 2010; 2, 14ra3: PMID: 20371466.
Haack M, Lee E, Cohen DA, Mullington JM. Activation of the prostaglandin system in response to sleep loss in healthy humans: potential mediator of increased spontaneous pain. Pain. 2009 Sep;145(1-2):136-41. PMID: 19560866.
Cohen DA, Robertson EM. Motor sequence consolidation: constrained by critical time windows or competing components. Exploratory Brain Research. 2007; 177(4):440-6. PMID: 17021894.
Cohen DA, Pascual-Leone A, Press DZ, Robertson EM. Off-line learning of motor skill memory: a double dissociation of goal and movement. Procedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2005; 102(50):18237-41. PMID: 16330773chii K, Cohen DA, Ramos-Estebanez C, Pascual-Leone A. Safety of rTMS to Non-Motor Cortical Areas in Healthy Volunteers and Patients. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2006; 117:455-71. PMID: 16387549.
Cohen DA, Pascual-Leone A, Press DZ, Robertson EM. Off-line learning of motor skill memory: a double dissociation of goal and movement. Procedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2005; 102(50):18237-41. PMID: 16330773.
Fregni F, DaSilva D, Potvin K, Ramos-Estebanez C, Cohen DA, Pascual-Leone A, Freedman SD. Treatment of Chronic Visceral Pain with Brain Stimulation. Annals of Neurology. 2005; 58(6):971-972. PMID: 16315281.
Non-peer reviewed scientific or medical publications/materials in print or other media
Reviews, chapters, monographs and editorials
Lockley SW, Cohen DA, Harper DG, Uchiyama M. Circadian rhythm disorders. In: Sleep Medicine; 2016.
Cohen DA. Sleep, Plasticity, and Metaplasticity. In: Encyclopedia of Sleep & Dreams. ABC-CLIO; 2012.
Lockley SW, Cohen DA, Harper DG, Uchiyama M. Other circadian rhythm disorders: Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder and irregular sleep-wake disorder. In: Therapy in Sleep Medicine. Elsevier; 2012Cohen DA. Sleep Disorders Associated with Dementia. In: Therapy in Sleep Medicine. Elsevier; 2012.
Cohen DA. Draining the homeostat: A commentary on Zhou et al: "Sleep, Wake and Phase Dependent Changes in Neurobehavioural Function under Forced Desynchrony", Sleep.2011; 34(7): 829-830.
Cohen DA, Cohen N, Pascual-Leone A, Robertson EM. Sequence skill consolidation in normal aging. In: Encylopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer Reference & Database Publishing; 2011.
Cohen DA, Roy, A, Singh R. Hypersomnia other than narcolepsy. In: Contemporary Sleep Medicine(Bentham Science Publishers; 2011).
Cohen DA and Roy A. Sleep and neurological disorders. In: Sleep, Health, and Society: from aetiology to public health. Oxford University Press; p191-214.; 2010.
Rajaratnam SMW, Cohen DA, Rogers NL. Melatonin and melatonin analogs. Sleep Medicine Clinics. 2009; 4(2) 179-193.