Our body uses the calories from food to provide the energy needed for its basic functions and physical activity. We store excess calories as body fat. To maintain a healthy body weight, it’s important for you to balance the calories you consume with exercise that uses those calories.
Carbohydrates are the major source of energy for your body. Complex carbohydrates -- such as whole grain bread, cereals, pastas, rice, vegetables and fruits -- are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. You should limit simple carbohydrates -- such as sugar, candy, jelly, cakes, cookies and soft drinks -- because they add “empty” calories and provide little nutritional value. Also, sticky, sweet foods promote tooth decay.
Fat is an essential nutrient because it promotes the absorption of vitamin A, D, E and K and provides essential fatty acids that cannot be manufactured by your body. Watching the type and total amount of fat in your diet is important to prevent cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association recommends reducing the total fat, saturated fat, trans fats and cholesterol in your diet:
- Total Fat Fat is a concentrated source of calories because it provides nine calories per gram. In comparison, protein and carbohydrates provide only four calories per gram. To maintain normal body weight, you should include a fat source with each meal. However, total fat should not exceed 20 to 30 percent of your total calories.
- Saturated Fat Diets high in saturated fat tend to increase your blood cholesterol. Saturated fats are usually solid at room temperature and are provided mainly from animal sources (butter, lard, bacon, poultry skin) and plant sources (palm, coconut and hydrogenated vegetable oils in shortening and margarines). You may substitute monounsaturated fats (canola, olive, peanut) and polyunsaturated fats (corn, safflower, soy, sunflower) to lower your blood cholesterol.
- Cholesterol High blood cholesterol levels have been linked to heart disease. Many foods from animal sources are high in cholesterol, such as heavily marbled meats, poultry skin, sausage, bacon, processed meats, whole milk, whole milk products and egg yolk. To maintain a heart-healthy diet, your cholesterol intake should not exceed 200 mg a day. The American Heart Association recommends maintaining your total blood cholesterol to less than 200 mg/dl.
Complex carbohydrates such as whole grain breads and cereals, vegetables and fruits contribute dietary fiber necessary for lowering your cholesterol and reducing your risk of diverticulosis and colon cancer. We recommend 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day to maintain normal bowel function and provide other health benefits.
Our mineral needs remain about the same throughout life with the exception of calcium and iron. Adequate intake of calcium is important to build strong bones and teeth and prevent bone loss. Milk, cheese, yogurt, dark green, leafy vegetables, salmon, sardines, soybeans and tofu are excellent sources of calcium. Iron is necessary for building red blood cells to maintain normal hemoglobin levels. Rich sources of iron include liver, egg yolk, dark green, leafy vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals.
Our body tissues and muscles are composed of protein. Metabolic stress from acute illness, infection, surgery, bone fractures and some chronic diseases can increase your protein needs. The best sources of protein are milk, cheese, meat, poultry, fish, nuts, dried beans and peas.
Eating a variety of foods as detailed in the MyPlate guidelines will supply you with the minimum daily requirements of vitamins. Be sure to include one serving of fruit high in Vitamin C, such as an orange, a grapefruit or a cantaloupe, daily. Also, include dark green, leafy vegetables and dark yellow or orange vegetables or fruits in your daily meal plan to obtain the minimum requirement for Vitamin A.
Adequate water intake is essential to maintain the proper hydration required for your body functions and exercise. We recommend eight glasses of water each day in addition to drinking other fluids.