In a Life-Threatening Emergency, Call 911.
Virtually anyone from any walk of life can wind up in a trauma center, fighting for their life, through bad luck, carelessness or reckless behavior. We deliver the best care possible in the most timely way possible and focus on education to prevent injuries before they happen. Our teams consist of highly skilled healthcare providers, including EVMS trauma and burn surgeons/doctors who are board-certified by the American Board of Surgery in general surgery and surgical critical care.
In addition to providing life-saving trauma services, Sentara Trauma Services also provides Injury Prevention Education, emphasizing preventable injury awareness and improving the health of people living in our region. Injury prevention programs include topics such as how to prevent falls and preventing burns. Trauma is often a life-changing event. For this reason, we also touch on steps a patient may encounter upon discharge and recovery after a traumatic injury.
Defining Emergency Vs. Trauma Care
The worry during a life-threatening emergency is very real and often a confusing and scary part of an emergency. All Sentara Emergency Departments are equipped to handle anything from sprained ankles to heart attacks and strokes.
Specific Sentara hospitals are also equipped to provide a higher level of emergency care known as trauma care. This trauma care means the hospital is equipped to handle extreme cases where there may be an issue of immediate survival.
Paramedics and first responders often make the decision about where an injured person should be taken after evaluating the situation. Even if you are unsure whether your injury or accident requires the emergency room or trauma center, always call 911. The paramedics will decide where to direct your care.
Examples of severe injuries that may need Trauma care:
- Serious car crash injuries
- Major burns
- Serious falls
- Blunt trauma (striking or being struck by an object)
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Gunshot wounds
- Stab wounds
What is a Level I Trauma Center?
A Level I trauma center is a tertiary care hospital that offers the highest level of trauma care -- a comprehensive approach to the trauma patient from injury through rehabilitation.
- Sentara Norfolk General Hospital located in Norfolk, Virginia, offers Level I Trauma Services.
What is a Level III Trauma Center?
A Level III trauma center provides prompt assessment, management, surgery and stabilization for trauma patients.
- Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center offers Level III Trauma Services in Woodbridge, Virginia.
- Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital offers Level III Trauma Services in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
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