Understanding your procedure and the dietary and lifestyle change requirements is critical. Our quality surgeons and highly experienced staff are there to guide you through the process and answer your questions.
Our program
Your first step in our program is to attend a free information seminar. You will learn about the surgeries and the benefits of our program. You can watch our online seminar anytime.
See available appointment times
You will need to make changes to your diet and lifestyle before and after weight loss surgery. We provide you with all the information and resources you will need.
Wellness and nutrition class
A registered dietitian and an exercise physiologist lead this class. It covers the dietary and exercise habits essential for achieving long-term success after surgery.
Pre-surgery class
A couple of weeks before surgery, you will meet again with the bariatric program coordinator and registered dietitian. They will review the clinical and hospital information along with dietary and lifestyle requirements, as well as answer any last-minute questions.
One-month after surgery class
A month after surgery, you will meet with the registered dietitian and exercise physiologist to discuss the next steps in diet and address any questions you may have.