At Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital, we know that nothing can replace the support of friends and family during important life events, including medical treatment.
That is why we offer the Care Partner Program. If you wish, you may select a friend or family member to be your Care Partner. This person will be included in the team of people that helps care for you. Your Care Partner may simply be with you for support or help you with daily activities such as filling out menus and taking walks. You may choose to have him or her present for conversations with your nurses and doctors. Your partner might also wish to learn how to help with care you will need after you leave the hospital, such as medications or dressing changes.
Your Care Partner is involved as much as you desire and as much as they are comfortable. If you decide to select a Care Partner, the two of you will decide together the level of involvement he or she will have.
Participation in this program is voluntary. Your Care Partner does not replace hospital staff in providing medical care, rather adds an additional layer of support for you. In addition, your Care Partner does not replace your legal medical decision maker, though you may choose the same person for both.